Radon Analytics
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sisie sisie
The SISIE is designed for measuring the radon activity concentration in soil gas and in water.
For sampling so-called "Lucas cells" are used.

The SISIE is designed for measuring the radon activity concentration in soil gas and in water. For sampling so-called "Lucas cells" are used.

The SISIE is designed for measuring the radon activity concentration in soil gas and in water.

The device contains a scintillation counter; for sampling so-called "Lucas cells" are used. Soil gas is sucked directly into a cell, which was evacuated before. Water samples are degassed and the escaping radon is collected in an evacuated cell. The measurement can be started about 3 hours after filling the cells, when radon and its progeny are in radioactive equilibrium. The changing of the samples has to be done manually. Even with measurement periods of approx. 1 to 2 minutes statistically sufficient numbers of impulses are obtained. For this reason the device is highly suitable for a large of number of measurements (> 50 samples per day). The device needs an external power supply. It is operated by means of a keyboard or a comfortable PC program.

For technical details, please see the data sheet (pdf).

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Offiziell zer­ti­fi­zier­te und DIN-gerechte Radon­mess­ungen in Wohn­geb­äu­den: Sonder­preis für einen Satz Lang­zeitexposimeter.
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www.radon-info.de »

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