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Soil gas permeability

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The soil gas permeability is an important characteristic value to evaluate the geogenetic radon potential of a building ground. Independent from the the radon activity concentration level in the soil air the gas permeability determines the possibility of additional radon supply to the building structure.

Usually the water permeability of the soil, also well-known as "kf-value", is very important for geological questioning. For this purpose a number of standardized measuring procedures exist, which are applicable both in the field and in the laboratory, but are however not suitable for measuring the gas permeability. Due to the subordinated importance of this problem there is no method which can be regarded as state of the art, but different groups of researchers work with different self-developed devices.

measuring soil gas permeability

The permeameter device distributed by us was developed during research work concerning the radon potential in Germany and showed its practical suitability at some thousand measuring points. It is based on the classical method of KIRKHAM (1947), after which a defined quantity of air is led with constant pressure through a soil sample. In practice a number of co-ordinated flow pipes are used in order to measure the resulting positive pressure in the piping system. The equipment is constructed for field usage and can be combined with different soil gas probes. The specific permeability k for the different probe geometries can be computed with the help of the provided calculation principles.

Not contained in the scope of supply are compressed air cylinder, pressure-reducing valves and pressure hose.

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